Airbitz and Bitrefill integration

We’re happy to announce that Bitrefill is now available as an integrated option inside the Airbitz Wallet.

We’re happy to announce that Bitrefill is now available as an integrated option inside the Airbitz Wallet.

This integration greatly improves the user experience for Airbitz users to refill prepaid phones in any of the 150 countries supported by Bitrefill.

Some of the benefits compared to using the normal website:

  1. No more need for QR codes or copy pasting bitcoin addresses. Just click pay and you’re done.
  2. In case of problems with your order — your bitcoins will be refunded automatically to your wallet.
  3. The app remembers your settings, past phone number and email — so your second refill takes only five taps!
  4. You can easier follow the status of your refill order after it’s been sent — all inside the wallet.


Open the plugin in the bottom of your Airbitz wallet, or in the Menu -> Spend Bitcoin option.
Type in your number, like you’d normally do on
Select a package
Confirm order
Confirm the outgoing payment from Airbitz
That’s it! A great feature is that this view will also continuously display status about the delivery about your refill, so you’ll know if it’s been sent successfully, delivered, etc.

That’s it!

Happy refilling, and be sure to report any issues to

// Team Bitrefill

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