Bitrefill Now Supports Viber

New feature lets you top-up your viber calling credits with bitcoin.

New feature lets you top-up your viber calling credits with bitcoin.

We’ve been working hard to bring you another feature update. You can now recharge your Viber account with Bitrefill.

FAQ | Viber

Bitrefill Viber Recharge Walkthrough

We’ve made recharging Viber accounts with Bitrefill a great way to spend Bitcoin. It doesn’t take more than a few moments, and can be done anywhere, anytime, to anyone with an internet connection. Here’s how to recharge your Viber credits in 4 easy steps.

Step 1) Visit the Bitrefill Viber Page

We’re convinced she is smiling about our slick looking website…

Step 2) Enter Your Phone Number

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that the account in question has activated Viber Out

Step 3) Select Your Recharge Amount

Make your recharges when Bitcoin’s value is high, and you’ll get more credit for your bits

Step 4) Complete Checkout With Your Wallet of Choice

Top-ups usually take a few seconds to arrive. If your recharge does not arrive within the hour, please reach out to support here.

Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind…

Friends and family like being told first, right…? Keep’em happy by sharing the good news. Bitrefill now supports Viber.

Thanks again for recharging with Bitrefill.

Bitrefill team

Anywhere, Anytime, to Anyone… recharge today!
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