Bitrefill Progressive Web App for Android

Today we’re happy to announce that Bitrefill Accounts is now available as a progressive web app for Android. This means that the web app…

Today we’re happy to announce that Bitrefill Accounts is now available as a progressive web app for Android. This means that the web app can be added to the home screen of your Android device, creating a native app experience with fast and easy access to refills, while using only a minimal amount of disk space.

The app has all the benefits of Bitrefill Accounts:

  • Instant refills
  • Instant refunds
  • Easy to repeat past orders

It also increases the loading speed for an even smoother experience!
To try it out, visit Bitrefill Accounts using Google Chrome on your Android device. For the best experience, make sure you’re running an updated version of Google Chrome and Android 4.1+.

Let us know what you think!

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