Caricoin integrates Bitrefill

We’ve teamed up with Caricoin to bring bitcoin mobile top up to the Caribbean

We’ve teamed up with Caricoin to bring bitcoin mobile top up to the Caribbean

Caricoin, the Bitcoin wallet of the Caribbean, have just released their brand new Bitrefill integration, and it looks slick…check it out from up close!

“Mobile top up is the ideal introduction to the world of digital currencies for new users in the Caribbean. Since some of the best top up rates worldwide are available to bitcoin customers, there is a strong incentive for people to start using bitcoin to access these benefits.” — Karsten Becker, CEO of Caricoin Ltd.

Caricoin is helping to revolutionize mobile Top-up

This marks an important step in Caricoin’s mission to deliver a secure, user-friendly and less costly way of storing wealth and moving it around the Caribbean. By integrating with Bitrefill, they now allow users to make instant prepaid phone top-ups anywhere, anytime, to anyone… To find out more about Caricoin, please visit their website

New to Bitrefill?

If this is the first time you hear about Bitrefill, here are some instructions on how to make your first top-up.

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