Goodbye Bitrefill, Hello Shitrefill!

Stockholm, 2018–04–01, For immediate release

Stockholm, 2018–04–01, For immediate release

Bitrefill diversifies away from Bitcoin, focuses on shitcoins, rebrands as Shitrefill.

Due to consumer preference for saving their sound money, also known as “hodling”, we’ve seen a decreasing demand for spending bitcoins, as you can see on the chart here:

More info at

During these circumstances we’ve found that people are more than eager to spend coins that are not perceived as having such a “high long term value”, also called “shitcoins”.

Thus we’re proud today to announce our new focus and the new brand to go along with it —

We’re also proud to announce our partnerships with four of the cryptocurrency’s leading decentralized Swiss foundations: Dogecoin, TheDAO, the Venezuelan Petro and Tron, all of which will be available for spending on the Shitrefill platform for buying digital goods such as gift vouchers and refills of prepaid phones.

Screenshot of the Dogecoin refill UI

Furthermore we are proud to announce today our support for the ERC20 token standard to ensure our compatibility with not only the shitcoins of today but also the gushing flow of shitcoins of tomorrow.

We are also getting ready to launch our own token to be used on the Shitrefill network, called ShitCoinCash. The coin will be infinitely scalable through PoS technology and sharting, and uses AI to increase the security and mine smarter. White paper to be released in Q3 2018, but the pre-ICO starts already in May. The sharting algorithms used by our scientists are incredibly complicated so that it’s likely that only incredibly smart people will be able to understand them. We are however confident that it will moon.

For those of our fans excited about our work with supporting the Lightning Network rest assured that the ShitCoinCash will also support an instant and trustless payment channel network called the Crackening Network.

You can participate in the crowdsale right now by sending 0.01337 BTC to the Lightning invoice lnbc13370u1pdt6dzypp55w6hgfm8q56hwywknmxd3fpjf4cmx53y6vejp8ztm8ptl7gwddnqdqlgf5hgun9ve5kcmpqgdex7amywdskcegcqzysxq8pmk7qlvehwj226p9d2hfqedurh8e39enunlpqy8dnaetvvj8r7alwd9xfh3k0d7q0yn0hvqjex53txh28d9fj27kqe2enlat0lj4pz3luzhlegq6zxpk4

We thank you, our users, for supporting us this far, and we’re looking forward to serving you even better in the future on our new site:!

//Team Shitrefill

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