How to speed-up your Bitrefill purchases

Tired of waiting? This guide will show you how accelerate your bitcoin mobile recharges

Tired of waiting? This guide will show you how accelerate your bitcoin mobile recharges

Step 1) Visit our transaction tool

We’ve built this Bitcoin transaction checker so that you can see the fee rate currently estimated for a given confirmation time, in Satoshi per Byte. You can also use the tool to monitor the status of a pending transaction, and you’ll be able to see the estimated confirmation time.

Step 2) Note the number of satoshi

Depending on how fast you need your recharge, note the corresponding number of Satoshi per Byte. You’ll need this later when adjusting your Bitcoin wallets fee.

Check your transaction at

Step 3) Modify your Bitcoin wallet’s fee

Not every wallet supports this feature, but most of the good ones do! We use Copay, but also know that the Android Bitcoin wallet as well as Airbitz supports this feature. Coinbase offers zero fees. Depending on which wallet you use, this will be different, but essentially you need to find the fee setting and adjust it to the option closest to the one you noted earlier.

SAVE TIME AND MONEY WITH BITREFILL ACCOUNTS: Say goodbye to transaction fees and late recharge times by signing up for Bitrefill accounts. Recharges made from your Bitrefill account are zero fee and arrive instantly every time. Give it a try today!

Step 4) Continue with your purchase

Now that you have updated your wallets fee, continue to the site and continue with your purchase as normal… while slurping on that mojito :)

Step 5) Don’t leave your friends behind

When good services appear, it’s easy to forget about sharing them with friends. If you like what we’ve built, it would mean the world to us if you helped spread the word by clicking on the share buttons that you’ll find on the website. Here’s a copy paste message to make it easy.

I just made an instant mobile top-up with Bitcoin using Great service. #bitrefill #bitcoin #btc

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