Regarding the current Bitcoin backlog situation

Dear users,

Dear users,

As you may have noticed there is currently a huge transaction backlog on the bitcoin network, in fact it’s the biggest ever this far.

This means that transaction fees are very high, and that fees that have lees fees than that take very long time to confirm. Sometimes hours, sometimes days, some transactions don’t confirm at all. This seems to be an extra common issue for users of the wallet.

Click here for info about fee rates, and to check status of your transaction

Due to this extreme circumstance we must have a stricter policy regarding the 0-confirmation transactions we accept. This means that transactions will take longer to process.

What can you do to get past this?

There are currently two ways to get instant transactions:

  1. Get a Bitrefill Account
    With an account you can make one deposit transaction (still need to wait for that one to confirm though), and from your balance you can make as many transactions as you have balance for.
    Sign up for an account here
  2. Coinbase users — use our “Pay with Coinbase” button on the checkout page. This processes the transactions inside of Coinbase’s system. This happens instantly and it will not cost you or us any fees. More info here.

We realize these options aren’t ideal and ask that you have patience. This network overload will likely not go on forever.

Also do know that we are working hard on solutions that would allow us to do transactions, we will announce some of those shortly.


Team Bitrefill

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