Save your Sats: Live on fiat with Wyre & Bitrefill

Bitrefill is extremely happy to announce our brand new partnership with Wyre. Wyre is an exchange & payments processor that offers crypto…

Bitrefill is extremely happy to announce our brand new partnership with Wyre. Wyre is an exchange & payments processor that offers crypto to fiat and compliance solutions, and our integration will allow us to accept fiat payments from any major credit cards, debit cards, and Apple Pay.

Many Bitcoiners believe in Hodling, or holding their BTC for the long term, as they are very aware of the deflationary economic policy baked into the Bitcoin network. The block reward halving, which takes place roughly every 4 years, creates a bullish upwards pressure on price, leading to eye watering all time highs.

A lot of early Bitcoiners are now very wealthy for simply holding their Sats until the next halving. This is one of the primary reasons we have decided to integrate fiat payments via Wyre, into Bitrefill. Now you can save your Satoshis, while spending your fiat with your credit card, debit card, or Apple Pay.

When Bitcoin price is down, some Bitcoiners continue to use Bitrefill without selling more BTC than they’d like, which allows them to save their Bitcoin for the future while spending their Dollars, Euros, or Pesos, or other currency, all of which lose spending power into the future through inflation, and money printer go brrr economic policies.

In addition to these very obvious financial benefits, crypto has become more than being a fringe tech interest for cypherpunks and evolved into a fully mainstream financial asset class with Wall St. investors keeping a close eye on new projects and startups.

This newfound legitimacy has led to the creation of a bunch of new financial services and fintech startups which are now offering debit cards which can be reloaded with crypto, and also credit cards which offer crypto rewards programs. Our Wyre integration offers another avenue for these customers to truly live on their crypto.

The addition of fiat payments is a first for Bitrefill, as previously, we were a crypto-only company, and did not accept fiat in any form. With the launch of Wyre’s card payments & Apple Pay, as well as our recent inclusion of USDT on Ethereum & Tron, we now offer a full range of fiat payment options to meet your needs.

The addition of Wyre’s credit, debit, and Apple Pay payment options will now be available on our payment method selection page, during the checkout process. This integration lets Bitrefill customers now have access to over 4000 gift cards and mobile refills, all without having an impact on their hodl’d coins, and the opportunity cost of spending them before the next bull run.

Keep your Sats in cold storage and spend your dirty fiat with Bitrefill & Wyre! Get started by browsing our catalog of thousands of gift cards and mobile refills, each of them selected to help you live on crypto

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