Send a Valentine e-gift and you could win 1 MILLION SATS from Bitrefill!

This week, from February 10–14, we added a special theme that allows you to send a Valentine’s Day e-gift with any of our products.

This week, from February 10–14, we added a special theme that allows you to send a Valentine’s Day e-gift with any of our products.

You can choose the email address of your valentine, and a custom note (or poem).

Everyone that uses this feature to send a valentine this week will be entered into a drawing to win 1,000,000 sats (0.01BTC) from Bitrefill!


1. Visit
2. Find a product you want to send as a gift.
3. Click the “Purchase as gift” button and configure your gift with a custom message, and choose a delivery time.
4. Check out and pay for your order, and you’re done!

Everyone loves flowers!

Use Bitcoin and Bitrefill to send some love on Valentine’s Day, and you could win a nice stack of sats in the process! 🧡

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