Tarjeta Regalo River Island
La tarjeta de regalo River Island de Bitrefill le permite comprar las últimas modas de River Island y pagar con Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Dogecoin y Litecoin.
Instantáneo, Privado, Seguro
Entrega de email
Cuando canjee su Tarjeta de regalo en línea, ingrese el número de tarjeta de 16 dígitos y el número PIN de 4 dígitos en la página de pago de la caja en línea. Con la excepción de la República de Irlanda, no puede canjear más de cinco Tarjetas de regalo en una sola transacción.
When you use the Gift Card the amount of your purchase will be deducted from the balance on the Card. You may use the Gift Card as part payment for goods of a higher value than the value on the Gift Card on payment of the difference.
Gift cards can be activated with a minimum value of £2/€2 and a maximum of £250/€250.
Gift Cards which are defaced, altered or cancelled will not be accepted.
Gift Cards cannot be exchanged for cash, refunded & no change will be given.
All refunds of goods or services purchased with a River Island Gift Card will be made in accordance with River Island's refund policy. Any refunded amount will be credited to a Gift Card and will not be given in cash.
Gift Cards should be treated like cash. They will not be replaced if lost, stolen or damaged. Gift Cards are not a cheque guarantee, credit or charge card.
Gift Card balance can be checked in-store or at www.riverislandgiftcards.com
Gift Cards are valid for 5 years from the last credit, debit or balance enquiry transaction.
If your Gift card expires with a balance remaining, you can call +44 (0) 344 576 6444 or email customer.services@river-island.com, and request for any balance that remained on expiry to be re-issued onto a new Gift Card, subject to routine security checks
River Island may discontinue a Gift Card at any time if in River Island's discretion it deems such action necessary.
Gift Cards are issued by and remain the property of River Island Clothing Co. Ltd, Chelsea House, Westgate, London W5 1DR.
River Island may amend the terms and conditions at any time without notice. Nothing in these terms and conditions affects your statutory rights.
Cómo funcionan las Tarjetas Regalo
Introduce el monto
Selecciona o ingresa el monto que deseas que tenga la tarjeta.
Paga con tu moneda preferida
Tu pago se confirma en el mismo minuto en la mayoría de los casos.
¡Eso es todo, listo para usar!
Canjea tu tarjeta en el negocio elegido, de acuerdo con sus instrucciones.
Preguntas frecuentes
Echa un vistazo a nuestra Base de Conocimientos para más preguntas frecuentes
- Ingresa la cantidad que deseas para la tarjeta de River Island.
- Elije la cripto que deseas utilizar para el pago, como Bitcoin, Bitcoin por Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash. Alternativamente puedes pagar usando Binance Pay.
- Una vez que se confirme tu pago, obtendrás tu código de River Island.