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BookLive!プリペイドカード Gift Card

BookLive!プリペイドカード Gift Card

This gift card is only redeemable on the e-commerce platform

Buy BookLive!プリペイドカード gift cards with crypto online. Pay on BookLive!プリペイドカード with Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Binance Pay, and other cryptocurrencies. Instant email delivery.

🇯🇵 This gift card may only work in Japan
  • 500 JPY

  • 2000 JPY

  • 5000 JPY

  • 10000 JPY

6,000+ cryptocurrencies accepted
    No Account Required
    Email Delivery
    Instant, Private, Safe

BookLive! is an eBook store accessible from smartphones, tablets, and PCs. Please refer to the pages below for the respective apps based on your operating system.

  1. Register as a member at the BookLive! store (
  2. Enter your "card number" (16 digits) and "PIN number" (4 digits) at the BookLive! store under For those with a prepaid card.
  3. Points will be credited to your account. Use them to purchase your favorite eBooks.
  • After exchanging for the product, the physical card will not be delivered. The "card number" and "PIN number" will be sent via email.
  • BookLive! points can only be used at the eBook store BookLive! (
■Windows Phoneではご利用いただけません。
■BookLive! 資金決済法に基づく表示
1最終チェック日 2024年3月26日   2有効期限 2024年9月25日
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How gift cards work

Enter the amount

Select or type the amount you want the card to have.

Pay with your preferred coin

Your payment is confirmed the same minute in most cases.

That's it, ready to use it!

Redeem your card at your chosen retailer according to their instructions.

Frequently asked questions

Check out our Knowledge Base page for more FAQs

BookLive!プリペイドカード does not accept crypto but Bitrefill provides a workaround by allowing you to purchase an BookLive!プリペイドカード gift card with Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. This gift card can then be used to make purchases at BookLive!プリペイドカード.
  1. Enter the amount you want the BookLive!プリペイドカード gift card to have.
  2. Choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for payment, such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin or Dash. Alternatively you can pay using Binance Pay.
  3. Once your payment is confirmed, you will get your BookLive!プリペイドカード gift card code.
Once you have purchased an BookLive!プリペイドカード gift card at Bitrefill, it will be emailed to you almost instantly. Or you can redeem the gift card directly from the checkout page.
Some great gift cards that people in Japan usually buy are Disney USD, Tinder Subscription UK, AU, IL, JP, Activitygift USD, and Likee. You can find a lot more options by visiting the gift card section.
If you have a question that's not answered here, you can visit our help center and we'll be happy to assist you.