Magasin Gift Card
This gift card is redeemable on the e-commerce platform & at the physical store
Pay on Magasin with Crypto. Buy Magasin Gift Cards with Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash. Instant email delivery. No account required. Start living on crypto!
🇩🇰 This gift code may only work in Denmark
No Account Required
Email Delivery
Instant, Private, Safe
Give the gift of choice with the Magasin Gift Card! Perfect for any occasion, this card allows your loved ones to shop for their favorite items at Magasin, Denmark's premier department store. Treat someone special today!
To redeem your Magasin Gift Card in Denmark:
1. Visit the Magasin website or go to a store.
2. Select your desired items.
3. At checkout, choose the gift card option.
4. Enter your gift card code.
5. Complete your purchase. Enjoy shopping!
1. Visit the Magasin website or go to a store.
2. Select your desired items.
3. At checkout, choose the gift card option.
4. Enter your gift card code.
5. Complete your purchase. Enjoy shopping!
- Du kan altid se din saldo på dit gavekort
- Alle Magasin gavekort kan indløses til kontanter, mod et gebyr på DKK 100,- pr. gavekort. Gavekort med en saldo på mindre end 100,- kan ikke indløses til kontanter.
- Gavekortet kan ikke benyttes til køb af Magasin gavekort, og du kan ikke samle flere gavekort til et nyt.
- Et gavekort til Magasin er et ihændehaverbevis, hvilket betyder, at mister man det, kan det ikke erstattes. Samtidig er det altid den person, som er i besiddelse af gavekortet, der ligeledes vil kunne indløse det. Man kan sidestille et gavekort med pengesedler og mønter, som heller ikke vil kunne erstattes, hvis de tabes eller mistes.
- Vi vil dog som altid gerne yde god kundeservice, så hvis der alligevel skulle være problemer med dit gavekort, vil vi venligst bede dig kontakte os på nedenstående mail, hvor du kan beskrive dit gavekortproblem eller stille spørgsmål omkring dit gavekort. Vi vil herefter undersøge problemet og vende tilbage hurtigst mulig. Der tages forbehold for ændringer i Magasins gavekortpolitik samt trykfejl. E-mail:
How gift cards work
Enter the amount
Select or type the amount you want the card to have.
Pay with your preferred coin
Your payment is confirmed the same minute in most cases.
That's it, ready to use it!
Redeem your card at your chosen retailer according to their instructions.
Frequently asked questions
Check out our Knowledge Base page for more FAQs
Magasin does not accept crypto but Bitrefill provides a workaround by allowing you to purchase an Magasin gift card with Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. This gift card can then be used to make purchases at Magasin.
- Enter the amount you want the Magasin gift card to have.
- Choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for payment, such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin or Dash. Alternatively you can pay using Binance Pay.
- Once your payment is confirmed, you will get your Magasin gift card code.
Once you have purchased an Magasin gift card at Bitrefill, it will be emailed to you almost instantly. Or you can redeem the gift card directly from the checkout page.
You can find a lot more options by visiting the gift card section.
If you have a question that's not answered here, you can visit our help center and we'll be happy to assist you.