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GoPay 礼品卡

GoPay 礼品卡

评分: 5 - 4 评论


用加密货币支付 GoPay 。用Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash买 GoPay 礼品卡 .电子邮件即时交付。无需注册帐户。用加密货币生活!

🇮🇩 这个礼品卡只能在 Indonesia使用
  • 50000 IDR

  • 100000 IDR

  • 200000 IDR

  • 500000 IDR

  • 5000000 IDR

  • 10000000 IDR

  • 15000000 IDR

  • 20000000 IDR

  • 即时、私密、安全

  • 电子邮件发送

Use GoPay to enjoy various services available at Gojek and all participating merchants partner in Indonesia easily

1. Please make sure you are a registered GoPay user before you request a GoPay Cash top-up to your wallet. Check on

2. Click "TUKARKAN"

3. Input your name and mobile phone which is linked with GoPay. We are not responsible for any input errors that occur.

4. Once you have keyed in all information correctly, the GoPay credit will be sent to your GoPay wallet in real-time or latest within 1 working day.

It was so fast and easy to use,👌
Fastest & cheapest cryptobased site i've ever use. 10/10 would recommend! 100% i will use it again!
Cool very fast proccess Only 5 seconds and then balance land to my gopay
I'm sure this works as expected however it's important to note you need an indonesian mobile number and use this to register with gopay
1.Jumlah saldo uang elektronik GoPay Anda dibatasi sebesar:
(a) Rp. 2.000.000,- (dua juta Rupiah) jika akun Anda tidak terverifikasi; atau
(b) Rp. 20.000.000,- (dua puluh juta Rupiah) jika akun Anda terverifikasi; atau
(c) jumlah lain sebagaimana yang GoPay tentukan sesuai dengan penilaian resiko yang Kami lakukan dan/atau ketentuan dari otoritas yang berwenang.
2. Transaksi bulanan uang elektronik GoPay Anda yang bersifat incoming (masuk) tidak dapat melebihi Rp 40.000.000,- (empat puluh juta Rupiah) per bulan kalender atau jumlah lain sebagaimana ditentukan oleh otoritas berwenang.
3. Jika saldo atau transaksi bulanan uang elektronik GoPay Anda melebihi batas tersebut, maka Kami berhak melakukan verifikasi sebelum melakukan tindakan lebih lanjut, termasuk tidak menjalankan perintah transaksi yang Anda sampaikan.
4. GoPay adalah saldo uang elektronik yang terdapat di akun GoPay Anda yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk berbagai transaksi melalui layanan yang tersedia pada Aplikasi Gojek.
5. GoPay tidak bertanggung jawab atas keberhasilan dan / atau kegagalan saldo top-up yang dilakukan melalui media top-up, seperti bank, GoPay Partner, dan / atau media top-up lainnya.
6. Wogi tidak bertanggung jawab atas berhasil/gagalnya top up saldo yang dilakukan karena ketidakakuratan informasi yang diberikan. Semua informasi yang diterima adalah final dan akan diproses tanpa adanya pengembalian dana/refund.
7. Untuk S&K lengkap, silakan merujuk ke untuk lebih jelasnya.

1. The amount of Your GoPay electronic money account balance is limited to:
(a) IDR2,000,000.- (two million Rupiah) if Your account is not verified; or
(b) IDR20,000,000.- (twenty million Rupiah) if Your account is verified; or
(c) any other amount as determined by GoPay based on Our risk assessment and/or as determined by the relevant authority.
2. Your monthly GoPay electronic money account transactions that are incoming in nature may not exceed IDR40,000,000 (forty million Rupiah) per calendar month or other amount as determined by the relevant authority.
3. If the balance or monthly transaction of Your GoPay electronic money account exceeds such limits, we are entitled to conduct a verification before taking any further action, including not processing the transaction order that You submitted.
4. GoPay is an electronic money balance contained in your account that you can use for various transactions through the services available on the Gojek Application.
5. GoPay is not responsible for the success and/or failure of top-up balances made through top-up media, such as banks, GoPay Partners, and/or other top-up media
6. Wogi is not responsible for the success/failure of top-up balances made due to inaccurate information. All account information received is final and will be processed without refund/return.
7. For the full T&Cs, kindly refer to for more details.









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GoPay 不接受加密货币,但通过 Bitrefill 您可以用比特币或其他加密货币购买 GoPay 礼品卡。然后可以在 GoPay 使用此礼品卡
  1. 输入你想要的GoPay 礼品卡金额 。
  2. 选择您要用于支付的加密货币,例如比特币、比特币闪电网络、以太坊、USDT、USDC、莱特币、狗狗币、达世币。或者,您可以使用 Binance Pay 进行支付。
  3. 一旦您的付款被确认,您将获得您的 GoPay 礼品卡代码。
一旦您购买了 Bitrefill 的GoPay 礼品卡,它几乎会立即通过电子邮件发送给您。或者您可以直接从结账页面兑换礼品卡。
在Rwanda人们最喜欢的礼品卡是 CoinEd, CoinTracking, G2A Digital Marketplace, NordLocker Encrypted Cloud Storage NordPass Password Manager. 您可以通过访问礼品卡部分找到更多选项.
如果您有其他的问题,您可以访问 我们的帮助中心 我们很乐意为您提供帮助。