Bitrefill instantly converts gains to gift cards

Bitrefill is a convenient way to turn your trading gains into real products, directly on your favorite wallet or exchange. We make it easy…

Bitrefill is a convenient way to turn your trading gains into real products, directly on your favorite wallet or exchange. We make it easy to get balance on the best brands, while avoiding high fees and long delays.

As the cryptocurrency market nears almost $1.7 trillion in total market cap, traders have been taking advantage of the astounding growth.
As the institutions arrive and pump token prices with billions in liquidity, the only thing raining on the parade is network transaction fees, which have soared in the past few months on the most popular public blockchains. What is the best way to avoid paying high fees?

Bitrefill accounts: instant purchases without fees

We understand this, and that’s why we have Bitrefill accounts, which can be created in a few seconds (only requires an email) and allow traders to add credit with Bitcoin and Lightning to their BTC, USD, or EUR Bitrefill account balances. This is perfect for those who wish to avoid market price fluctuations; so they can lock in purchasing power, crediting their account in the 2 strongest global fiat currencies, or in Bitcoin.

If you have BTC balance, and feel the price could go down, you can convert to USD or EUR balance!

A Bitrefill account is a fantastic way to make instant purchases without blockchain fees, for those making recurring gift card or mobile refill purchases.

Bitrefill integrations: gift cards & refills from within your wallet or exchange

We have partnered with some of the premiere crypto platforms in the world, making it super easy to buy gift cards and refills from directly within your chosen exchange or wallet app. Now you can order your favorite items in-app, or top up your Bitrefill account from partners like:

  • Bitfinex
  • Binance
  • Blue wallet
  • Breez wallet
  • Coincorner
  • Edge wallet
  • Dapp
  • Trezor hardware wallets
  • Trust wallet
  • Bitpie

Sats-back rewards on every purchase

Another perk for Bitrefill account holders is our rewards program which allows you to earn 1–10% Sats-back on every purchase. This is a great way to earn some extra Sats while buying the products you use everyday. Rewards can be used to purchase gift cards and mobile refills, and you can combine them with your account balance. The best part is that not only are they free, but using your rewards balance is instant and has no blockchain fees!

Alts accepted here: avoid high fees & delays

While diehard Bitcoiners may prefer the Lightning network, we offer several cheap and quick alternatives for traders who just need to send funds fast, for low fees. Make your next Bitrefill purchase with Litecoin, Doge or Dash when BTC and ETH fees have you singing the blockchain blues.

If you found this post helpful, let us know on Twitter, in our Telegram Chat, or in our subReddit, r/Bitrefill. As always, thank you for using Bitrefill!

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